Against a background of green, blue, brown, grey; BC's year-round colours.
Beach pea, Lathyrus japonicus, among the logs on the Oyster Bay dunes. |
Gumweed, Grindelia integrifolia. It's blooming near the shore everywhere. This one was on Tyee Spit. |
The gumweed flowers, according to
my guide, are covered with an extremely sticky latex. Actually, the glue goes much farther. I touched the lower stem of this plant, removing an intrusive dead straw, and my fingers got so glued up that they stuck to the camera.
Foxgloves in full sun, Brown's Bay. |
Foxgloves in the shade, Elk Falls. |
Hardhack, Spiraea douglasii. Likes wet feet, bogs and streams and marshes, but this one was growing on the shore beside a well-watered lawn. |
A more modest flower, Silver burweed, with an ambitious name: Ambrosia chamissonis. The flowers are small and greenish, enclosed in their bracts. These are growing just above the high tide line at Oyster Bay. |
Black twinberry, Lonicera involucrata. Past the flower stage, but the red bracts remain. Tyee Spit. |
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