Friday, December 16, 2022

Winter blues

 Grey days, blue light, floating mists. And a view from the road down into a valley.

From the hills above Upper Campbell Lake.

From a slightly different angle, more patches of blue sky appear.

Checking the weather report for today: 4°C, partly sunny (where? I don't see any), humidity 81% trending towards 98% for Christmas day. A tiny bit more, and we're underwater. Or buried in soggy snow.

Sunset today and tomorrow: 4:19. But, yay! the next day it's a whole minute later; the turnaround is starting.

Vistas en azul y gris, con neblinas vagabundas. Aquí, la vista bajando hacia el valle del lago Upper Campbell.

Mirando el pronóstico meteorológico para hoy: estamos a 4°C., un poco de sol, dicen, pero ¿dónde? Yo no veo ni señas. La humedad se registra a 81%, y va en aumento hasta el 98% el dia de Navidad. Un poquitito más, y estamos bajo agua. O nieve empapada.

El sol se pone hoy y mañana a las 4:19, pero pasado mañana, ya estamos dando la vuelta y la puesta del sol viene un minuto más tarde. Me alegra.


  1. Reading this and seeing the photos remind me why we left Port Townsend, WA. Darkness came way to early. We missed the sun and were always grateful when we could see the light. It is beautiful there.

  2. The solstice will turn soon.


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