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Recovering. |
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Seedling trees, saplings, dried ferns from last year, bits of salal. And dried stumps. |
Here there is no moss. The sun has baked the old stumps; the ground underfoot is hard and dry.
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Closer to the edge of the cleared area, a stump harbours salal and a huckleberry shrub (the red twigs). |
From the road, a faint trail led off across the hill. Looked like an elk trail to me.
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See it? I followed it to the edge of the hill. |
There were a few faint elk tracks, not clear because the ground is so hard, so covered with dry branches left over from the logging. But there was a patch of elk scat.
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Elk scat, not fresh, with bits of dead fern on top. |
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Google Earth view. Next trip, I'll go all the way to Pye Lake. |
Time to go home. I walked back to the car, crawled down the hillside, dodging potholes. So I was going slowly enough to see the grouse watching me from behind a huckleberry bush. I stopped; so did she. We sat and watched each other for a few minutes. When I rolled down the window to get a photo, she turned and went into the trees.
Photo or no photo, I was happy to have seen her.
Desde el bosquecito, regresé al coche y seguí cuesta arriba. Encontré otro caminito que cruzaba un area donde habían cortado los árboles hace unos años.
Aquí no había musgo; todo es seco, duro, tostado por el sol. Pero el bosque se está recuperando. Hay arbolitos, retoños, y jóvenes. El suelo está cubierto de helechos, los del año pasado, ya secos.
Un tronco al lado del bosque protegía plantas de "salal" (Gualtheria shallon) y de "huckleberry" (Vaccinium parvifolium), dos arbustos que se llenarán de frutillas en el verano, alimentos para pájaros y osos.
Un sendero apenas visible cruzaba el camino; parecía hecho por alces. Lo seguí por un rato. Las huellas que vi eran ligeras; el suelo está muy duro. Pero si había caca de alce.
En camino a casa, bajando el cerro despacito por los hoyos en el camino, tuve la suerte de ver una gallina fuliginosa que me observaba desde la sombra de un arbusto. Me detuve; tambien ella. Nos sentamos mirándonos por unos minutos. Cuando por fin bajé la ventana para sacar una foto, ella se dió vuelta y desapareció entre los árboles.
Con o sin foto, me sentí privilegiada de haberla visto.
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I'm having to moderate all comments because Blogger seems to have a problem notifying me. Sorry about that. I will review them several times daily, though, until this issue is fixed.
Also, I have word verification on, because I found out that not only do I get spam without it, but it gets passed on to anyone commenting in that thread. Not cool!