Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Just a road

Just a road, a twisty gravel road like any other road out of town and off the two highways going north/south, and west. This one leads down to the BCHydro campsites on the shore of the lake, so it is wider than most, and has fewer tire-challenging potholes.

The road in May, with spring-green leaves.

And I love these roads. Every curve brings a new green vista, new hills, new mountains. Stop the car, and listen to the silence until your ears adjust and you hear the whispering of leaves and the chuckle of a creek running down the ditch, maybe the cry of an eagle overhead or the croaking of a raven in the trees.

A Skywatch post.

Un camino cualquiera, un camino de grava serpenteando entre los bosques, un camino como todos fuera de la ciudad aparte de las dos carreteras pavimentadas, norte/sur y hacia el oeste. Este nos lleva a los sitios de campamento de BCHydro, a la orilla del lago, y por lo tanto es más amplio que la mayoría, y se mantiene en mejor estado, sin tantos baches amenazantes.

Foto: el camino en el mes de mayo, con las hojas primaverales, entre amarillas y verdes.

Me encantan estos caminos. Cada curva abre una vista nueva, cerros y montañas nuevos. Detén el coche y escucha el silencio hasta que tus oídos se ajustan y empieces a oir el sursurro de las hojas, la risa de un riachuelo bajando en la zanja, tal vez el grito de un águila o el "crak" de un cuervo común entre los árboles.

Un post para Skywatch. Haz clic para ver fotos de cielos de todo el mundo.


  1. Unpaved roads are the best, especially in pretty country like this!

  2. Lovely to see the blue peeking thru #Skywatch

  3. I love nice gravel/dirt roads as well.

  4. Beautiful capture.

  5. It's been a while since I've seen you post! Such a good capture and commentary about a simple yet enchanting road.


I'm having to moderate all comments because Blogger seems to have a problem notifying me. Sorry about that. I will review them several times daily, though, until this issue is fixed.

Also, I have word verification on, because I found out that not only do I get spam without it, but it gets passed on to anyone commenting in that thread. Not cool!

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