Saturday, December 16, 2023

On a wet forest floor

 I almost missed this mushroom in the dark of the woods on a grey afternoon. I only saw it because I was bent over collecting fallen fir boughs to make a little Christmas "tree" for my cat; she does so enjoy redecorating them!

Bubbly, about 7 cm. across the cap.

The stalk is covered in a greenish slime, and some drips off the cap, too. It was wet to the touch, but so was everything else that afternoon.

As usual, I can't identify this one.

Casi se me escapó este hongo, apenas lo vi en el bosque oscuro en una tarde gris porque andaba recogiendo ramas caídas de abeto para hacerle un "arbolito" de Navidad para mi gatita; le encantan.

Foto: el hongo. Mide unos 7 cm. El estípite está cubierto con una baba gelatinosa, y también gotea desde el sombrero.

Tampoco puedo identificar este hongo.

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