Friday, November 18, 2022

Mist and water

 A misty afternoon on the Campbell River estuary. Mist turns everything into a minimalist scene.

Looking upriver from Tyee Spit.

Tyee Spit is a narrow strip of land that almost closes off the estuary. The river here has opened up and meanders around various islets and into a few lagoons. And then the spit encloses it all, leaving an opening about 100 m. across where the river spills into the sea water of Discovery Passage.

These views are from the end of the spit, moving clockwise from facing the river to the ocean on the far side.

Man in a boat at the tip of the spit.

Kayakers and a seal (just the head).

Gulls playing where the river empties into the salt chuck. Barely visible, two loons and a line of (I think) buffleheads.

And from the seaward side of the spit, a tree and Quadra Island.

Visibility in the mist, 1.7 km., measuring from the tree to the barely-visible house on Quadra Island. This was at mid-afternoon; the mist was lower and thicker in the morning.


Una tarde de neblina en el estuario del rio Campbell. La neblina vuelve todo una escena minimalista,

Fotos; viendo el rio desde la lengua de tierra que encierra el estuario. Y luego viendo el mar desde el otro lado de esta lengua. La isla en frente, que apenas se ve está a 1,7 km. Esto fue a media tarde; en la mañana la neblina estaba más espesa.

El rio aquí se abre y rodea una variedad de islitas y llena unas lagunas. Y llegando al final, solo se le abre un espacio de 100 metros desde la punta de la lengua de tierra hasta tierra firma. De allí entra a agua salada, el pasaje "Discovery".

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