Wednesday, April 06, 2022

And now it's really spring.

The salmonberries are blooming! More than anything else, these spell "spring" to me, maybe because of growing up on the far west coast where they are always the very first bits of colour (besides the everlasting green) on the edge of the forests.

I love their rumpled petals.

Rubus spectabilis

We used to pick the fresh stem shoots in early spring, peel them, and eat them raw as we walked through the bush. They have a light, green taste, slightly sweet, a foretaste of the sweeter berries that would show up a month later.

The fruit is pink to red to orange; my favourites were always the orange ones.


¡Están en flor las plantas de Rubus spectabilis, a la que llamamos aquí, baya de salmón! Para mí, éstas flores, más que cualquier otra, definen la primavera. Tal vez sea porque cuando vivía, de niña, en la costa al extremo occidental de la isla, eran los primeros brotes de color (aparte del verde, que nunca faltaba) que aparecían en las orillas de los bosques.

Fotos: flores de Rubus spectabilis.

Cosechábamos los brotes nuevos de los tallos mientras caminábamos, los pelábamos y los comíamos al andar. Tienen un sabor ligero, "verde", un poco dulce; una promesa de las bayas más dulces que aparecerían un mes más tarde.

La fruta es de color de rosa, rojo, o anaranjado. Mis favoritas siempre eran las bayas anaranjadas.

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I'm having to moderate all comments because Blogger seems to have a problem notifying me. Sorry about that. I will review them several times daily, though, until this issue is fixed.

Also, I have word verification on, because I found out that not only do I get spam without it, but it gets passed on to anyone commenting in that thread. Not cool!

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