Sunday, August 22, 2021

Forgotten eight

Stuck at home, doing a bit of housekeeping, decluttering the photo files, I found these forgotten plants.

Poppy in a friend's garden, June.

Elderberry flowers, along the highway north, April.

Hosta leaf after a rain, in my garden, July.

Unidentified red berries and leaves, Roberts Lake, May of last year.

Update: from the comments, this is Barberry, Berberis thunbergii or B. vulgaris.

Daisies, Buttle Lake, June.

Fern tip, by the highway north, May.

Fireweed, Mount Washington, July.

White rhododendron, Paradise Meadows, July.

And my knee has improved enough that I might possibly be able to get out to a shoreline tomorrow. I hope!


Encerrada en casa, me ocupé en organizar los archivos de fotos en la computadora. Encontré estas plantas olvidadas.

  1. Amapola en el jardín de una amiga, en junio.
  2. Saúco rojo, al lado de la carretera hacia el norte, en abril.
  3. Hoja de una hosta en mi jardín después de la lluvia, en julio.
  4. Unas frutillas rojas sin identificar, en Lago Roberts, mayo del año pasado.
  5. Margaritas al lado de Buttle Lake, en junio.
  6. La punta de un helecho desenrollándose al lado de la carretera hacia el norte, en mayo.
  7. Epilobio en el monte Washinton, en julio.
  8. Rododenro blanco, Las Praderas Paraíso, en julio.
Y mi rodilla sigue mejorando; creo que posiblemente, espero, podré salir de casa para ver el mar mañana. Ojalá.


  1. It's a little late, but I just saw your "unidentified red berries", it's Barberry (Berberis thunbergii or B. vulgaris). We removed a row of those thorny devils earlier this year.
    That poppy photo is spectacular.


I'm having to moderate all comments because Blogger seems to have a problem notifying me. Sorry about that. I will review them several times daily, though, until this issue is fixed.

Also, I have word verification on, because I found out that not only do I get spam without it, but it gets passed on to anyone commenting in that thread. Not cool!

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