Thursday, July 23, 2020

Lumpy cliffs

The highways crossing the island follow valleys and lake shores. But the terrain is standing on end, so the road usually runs along a narrow shelf; water at the bottom of a slope on one side, almost vertical rock faces or towering forest on the other, with only a narrow shoulder or ditch separating road from rock. I watch the rock faces as much as I do the lake views.

A wide spot on the highway beside Buttle Lake. Goldenrod, cliffs, forest.

At one spot along the Buttle Lake shore, the rock face turns lumpy, pillowy.

Brown and blue rock.

It looks like something made out of PlayDough.

Same rock, slightly different angle.

I don't remember seeing rock like this before.

Another face, a few curves down the road.

A few more turns, and the cliff faces returned to "normal".


Las carreteras que cruzan la isla siguen el agua; ríos y lagos. Pero porque el terreno está tan accidentado (mi mamá decía que era una mesa, pero con las patas para arriba), los caminos normalmente ocupan un corte angosto, con el agua allá abajo de un lado, y los bloques verticales de roca del otro.

Me paso mucho del tiempo mientras manejo, mirando esas caras rocosas.

Al lado del lago Buttle, vi estas rocas algo raras; parecen bolas de plastilina todas amonotonadas juntas.


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