Thursday, May 14, 2020

A long and useful retirement

Three more old boat photos, the remains of several WWII ships sunk as a breakwater at Oyster Bay after the war. Some were quite new when they scrapped.

H.M.C.S. Matane, aka K444, aka "Old Rust". 92 m. long. Launched 1943. Sunk here 1948. Now hosting a thriving seaweed and invertebrate community.

As she was. Naval Museum of Manitoba photo

Boat bits. This one has been identified as S.S. Betsy Ross, (Cor Caroli.)

Betsy Ross before she fell to pieces. 

Old boat, new boat

And I don't know the names of either of these boats.

The story behind these photos is here, in my earlier post, and here, on Flickr; photos and story by Fransen CR, who played around and scavenged these ships when she was a girl and they were newly sunk.


Aquí hay tres fotos más de los barcos hundidos como rompeolas en Oyster Bay. Eran barcos que se usaban durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y terminada la guerra, se vendieron como fierros viejos.

El primero (dos fotos) es el HCMS Matane, construido en 1942, hundido aquí en 1948. Medía 92 metros de largo.

El segundo se dice que es SS Betsy Ross, aunque ahora solo quedan pedazos. 

Y por fin, dos barcos, viejo y nuevo, sin nombres.

La historia de estos barcos se cuenta aquí en este blog, y en Flickr; la historia y unas fotos por una mujer que jugaba entre los barcos cuando era niña.

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