Thursday, August 29, 2019


The fireweed has gone to seed. And the seeds are ballooning over the forests, like spiderlings. Or dandelion fluff.

The unripe seed pods are long and straight. Then they ripen and split open, releasing the fluff and the seeds. The empty pods then curl up, providing a framework for seeds waiting for a good wind.

One fireweed stalk. Each plant may release up to 80,000 seeds.

A crop from the previous photo. Elegant curves, intertwined.

Photos taken at the beaver pond. More later.

1 comment:

  1. I love fireweed. It has many beautiful stages including this one. It was great to see you again during our last visit to town. I'm sure we'll be back again next summer in our boat. I'll keep you posted. If you ever get to Powell River let me know. - Margy


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