(It seems as though it's been raining for much longer than that.)
"Oh, what a beautiful morning!"

Sweetly scented.

Red wagon.

Pink and white.

Brown butterfly with frayed wings.

Tidy yellow cottage.

Sundress at an alley-way sale.
Rosebush with reflecting window as background.
Sweetly scented.
Red wagon.
Pink and white.
Brown butterfly with frayed wings.
Tidy yellow cottage.
Sundress at an alley-way sale.
And maybe, just maybe, the sun will come out tomorrow. It's overdue.
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I'm having to moderate all comments because Blogger seems to have a problem notifying me. Sorry about that. I will review them several times daily, though, until this issue is fixed.
Also, I have word verification on, because I found out that not only do I get spam without it, but it gets passed on to anyone commenting in that thread. Not cool!