Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Chance encounter

 "He will not see me stopping here,
To watch his woods fill up with snow. ..."
(Robert Frost, On Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening)

 Actually, the woods were already filled with snow, and I was stopping because I saw the deer as I drove past. I stopped and backed up slowly, silently on that snow-cushioned road so as not to startle him, and rolled down my window. He raised his head to look at me, considered a moment, then slowly turned and walked away.

Even with the snow, he is still well camouflaged. Just another brown patch.

Sniffing the breeze. "Who are you?" he says.

Ears full of snow.

His rump blended in among the tree trunks, and then he was gone. And I drove on, looking at snowy woods.


 "No me verá detenido aquí,
Viendo su bosque llenarse de nieve. ..."
(Robert Frost, On Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening)

 Bueno, los bosques ya estaban llenos de nieve, y yo me había detenido porque al pasar por el camino vi el venado. Detuve el coche y eché marcha atrás, despacito, casi en silencio sobre la nieve que amortiguaba el sonido, para no espantar al venadito. Bajé la ventana, y el venado alzó la cabeza, pensó un rato, y luego dió vuelta lentamente y se retiró sin prisa.

  1. Como lo vi. Aun con la nieve, su camuflaje es efectivo; otra mancha café entre muchas.
  2. Levantando el hocico como para olerme. —¿Quién es? — pregunta.
  3. Tiene las orejas llenas de nieve.
Sus partes traseras se confundieron con los troncos, y luego desaparecieron. Y yo seguí mi camino, mirando bosques llenos de nieve.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for another wonderful post, Susannah. That is my cousin's favourite poem which he recites almost each time we talk. The deer certainly blended in with the snowy trees and you did well to spot and photo capture him!


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