Thursday, January 23, 2025

Looming rock face, and a question

 Beside Buttle Lake, I stopped to look at a mass of pillow lava. Walking  back to the car, I was facing this cutaway slab of streaky, brown rock atop the cliff face.

And the mountain goes on up and up and up.

Zooming in on the slab itself.

Back home (why do I never see these details when I'm there and could maybe get a bit closer?) I saw these additions to the rock face:

Do you see them? Pegs set into the rock itself, each one anchored with a square plate.

Cropped. One of those pegs has ropes attached.

What was that? I Googled "rock climbing equipment" and found nothing like these. I "drove" on Google street view up and down that stretch of highway, looking for more, but not finding any. Would they be leftovers from the rock-shaping crew cutting out a flat spot for the road?

From that Google street view; here's the same rock face.

Facing north.

Facing south. The pillow lava lump is the next rock down the road.

I guess this could count as a Skywatch post.

En la orilla del lago Buttle, me detuve para mirar una masa de lavas acojinadas en el acantilado. Regresando al coche, veía este peñasco; rocas cortadas, un poco inclinado hacia el lago, con manchas de color café con leche.
  1. Perspectiva, desde el camino.
  2. Mirando esa cara cortada.
  3. Y en casa (y ¿porqué será que nunca veo estos detalles cuando estoy allí en el terreno, cuando me podría acercar para verlos mejor?) en la foto descubrí estas estacas clavadas en la roca, cada una con su placa en la base.
  4. Un corte de la foto previa. Una de las estacas lleva atada una cuerda. ¿Qué son estos? Busqué equipaje para alpinistas en Google, pero no vi nada parecido. "Manejé" en Google Street View por una buena distancia alrededor de este sitio, pero no vi otras estacas. ¿Serían, acaso, equipo abandonado por los que cortaron la roca para hacer el camino?
  5. De Google Street View, este es el mismo peñasco. Esta vista, mirando hacia el norte.
  6. Y mirando hacia el sur. Adelantito se ve la masa de lava acojinada.
Parece que esto podría llamarse un post de Skywatch


  1. Beautiful photos, and an interesting mystery. Certainly seems possible they are left over from the rock cutting crew. Another thought would be for the attachment of one of those heavy mesh rock-catching fences. For whatever reason, the mesh fence was never installed.

  2. Lovely B.C. scenes, Susannah! Wonder if the pegs are for netting or wire mesh should there be an avalanche threat.

  3. I am guessing that those are anchors set in the rock to help prevent it falling down on the roadway.

  4. Beautiful captures and interesting find.


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