A sort of rambling, stream of conscience post:
It's Canada Day today (for another hour, anyhow) and I'm sitting at home with the cat. It's the first time I've missed the fireworks down on the pier, so I never saw how she reacted before. She's been sitting upright, on high alert, ears stiff, eyes wide, the pupils dilated, staring at one window after another, ever since the noise started. I'm only about 3 blocks and a bit of water from the fireworks, so they're loud here, even with the windows shut. I kept reassuring her, "it's all right, don't worry, nothing's happening ..." She couldn't believe me.
Maybe we should find other ways to celebrate. Sure, the fireworks are pretty, but there are hundreds of cats and dogs and rabbits within hearing distance. Birds, too. And the deer that browse in our gardens. It's not right to be scaring them like this.
And about me staying home. Too tired to go out today, maybe a bit too sore.
Anniversaries coming up, besides Canada Day. Personal anniversaries. The blog is one; I started this blog July 3, 2006, that's 17 years ago this Monday. At the time, I'd been experimenting: could I come up with something to say every day and stick to it? I thought I could, and so far, up until this last year, I've missed very few days, posting 5392 times, or an average (brought down this year) of 317 posts per year. Recently, though, it's more like every second day.
And that has to do with the other anniversary. My birthday. I'll be 81. The years do creep up, and I'm slowing down, grumbling about sore knees and back. My hair is turning white around the edges, and my eyes complain when I spend too long at the screen.
Old Timber Eagle |
My old friend, the eagle who stands on the museum lawn. I feel a kinship with him; hard worn, with a gimpy shoulder, but still out among the trees.
Under his chin. |
But at least there are no spider webs on me. Yet.
And I'll keep on blogging.
P.S. The cat has finally, an hour and a half after the fireworks stopped, gone to sleep.
Pensamientos sobre aniversarios.
Hoy es el dia nacional, Canada Day, (por lo menos por una hora todavía) y yo estoy en casa con mi gatita. Es la primera vez que no bajo al muelle para ver los fuegos artificiales en este dia, y nunca antes vi como reacciona la gata al oirlos. Desde que empezaron los estruendos, se ha estado en alerta máxima, erguida y tiesa, con las orejas a lo más alto, los ojos grandes, con las pupilas dilatadas. Se da vuelta para mirar una ventana tras otra. Estoy apenas unas tres cuadras del muelle, y aun con las ventanas cerradas, se oye cada explosión bien claro. Le digo a la gata — No te preocupes, no es nada, estoy contigo, no pasa nada — No me cree.
Estoy pensando que tal vez deberíamos buscar otro modo de celebrar. Si, los fuegos son lindos, pero hay cientos de gatos y perros y conejitos en las casas alrededor. Y una multitud de pájaros en los árboles. Y venados, los que bajan a comer de nuestros jardines. No está bien espantarlos de esta manera.
Acerca de que me quedé en casa. Me sentía muy cansada. Y un poco adolorida.
Hay otros dos aniversarios pendientes. Aniversarios personales. Este blog por uno. Empecé el blog el 6 de julio de 2006, hará 17 años el lunes. En esos dias había estado probando si podría tener algo para decir a diario, sin fallar. Creí que sí, y hasta ahora, he perdido pocos dias, subiendo 5392 posts, un promedio de 317 posts por año. (El promedio ha bajado por mi flojera en este último año, cuando subo por lo general 3 o 4 posts por semana.)
Y esa flojera es a causa, pienso, del otro aniversario; mi cumpleaños. Este año cumplo 81. Los años avanzan, y yo voy enlenteciéndome, quejándome de rodillas adoloridas y una espalda que no quiere enderecerse. El cabello se me está volviendo blanco alrededor de la cara, y los ojos se declaran en huelga cuando paso demasiado tiempo mirando la pantalla.
El águila viejo del museo. Siento como si somos mejores amigos; los dos viejos, corroídos, con un hombro fuera de uso, pero todavía encontrándonos entre los bosques.
Pero las arañas no hacen sus telarañas en mi cuello. Todavía no.
Y seguiré con el blog.
P.D. Ahora, una hora y media después de que cesaron los fuegos, la gata por fin se ha dormido.
Agree with you completely about the fireworks. Unnecessary noise and air pollution. During the firecracker racket here I was a bit unnerved, thinking of similar gunfire sounds in Ukraine. Just have to say, Susannah, that I've enjoyed and have never missed a post of yours for years. Thank you so much for the fascinating glimpses of nature in B.C.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking of Ukraine, too. And the children and babies and cats and dogs and birds there, who can't understand what's going on, except that it's frightening. I was remembering seeing a neighbour's kid, a refugee from the Vietnam war, who played with a stick pretending it was a gun and imitating the sound of a machine gun. A good imitation; how often had he heard that sound as a toddler?
DeleteWhen I was a child, living in a rural area in NZ, the annual Guy Fawkes Day (November 5) fell in our summer and backyard bonfires were banned. But the local Fire Chief hosted a community bonfire, well-policed by his crew, and we all took our collections of crackers and rockets etc to that.
ReplyDeleteHi Susanna, happy birthday, I only wish I could be as strong and curious as you at 81. Here's to another year of discovery.