I sat quietly on a bench at the back of a sunny lawn, watching robins. They were busy looking for worms, but kept stopping to register their opinion on my intrusion into their space.
"What are you doing here? This is our lawn! |
"What's that clicking noise?" |
"I'm ignoring you." |
"Standing guard." |
"Get off my lawn!" |
"And you can't have this, it's mine!" |
I think they were relieved when I got up and left.
Me senté en un banquito al lado del césped del museo para obervar a los petirrojos que buscaban allí las lombrices. Muy ocupados estaban, pero se detuvieron para opinar sobre mi presencia.
- —¿Y tú, qué haces aquí? ¡Este lugar es nuestro!
- —¿Qué es ese sonido de clic, clic?
- —No creas que te voy a hacer caso.
- Este petirrojo se quedó a un lado, en guardia.
- —!Lárgate!
- —Y no te voy a dar esto; ¡es mio!
Creo que sintieron alivio cuando ¡por fin! les dejé en paz.
I'm always impressed how birds are able to find earthworms in the grass on such dry days.