Saturday, July 16, 2022


Mushrooms just don't think of my convenience. Sometimes they park themselves in corners and gaps between logs that make it impossible to see the essential details. Or even get a camera into the space. Like these:

One-sided mushroom on the side of a log. I think I see a stalk beneath.

Oh, my old bones! The contortions I put them through trying to get close to this one!

White, soft mushroom. Top view. Does it have a stalk? Gills or pores? I couldn't tell.

As far as I could reach with a hand and camera.

If I could have crawled down into the space between logs, I might have been able to identify these next ones as more of yesterday's Wood Woollyfoot mushrooms.

Is that a hint of yellow fuzz underneath? Or just pale green lichen?

But: never give up. Maybe putting the camera on a stick might work.

Los hongos no toman en cuenta las dificultades que causan sus sitios elegidos para nosotros. A veces se sitúan en esquinas imposibles o en espacios entre los troncos donde ni siquiera una mano con la cámara pueden entrar. Como éstos, por ejemplo.


#1: Un hongo que crece para un solo lado, en un tronco con musgos. No pude alcanzar a ver si tiene o no un tallo.

#2 y 3: ¡Ay de mis huesos viejos! ¡Cómo me torcí tratando de identificar este hongo! Un honguito blanco, suave, seco. ¿Tiene tallo? ¿Poros o laminillas? No pude ver.

#4: Estos pueden ser otros de los hongos "patas de lana" que subí ayer. Si me hubiera podido achicarme para caber en el espacio entre troncos, hubiera podido ver la base del tallo. Pero no.

No me doy por vencida. Tal vez si fijara la cámara en un palo ...

1 comment:

I'm having to moderate all comments because Blogger seems to have a problem notifying me. Sorry about that. I will review them several times daily, though, until this issue is fixed.

Also, I have word verification on, because I found out that not only do I get spam without it, but it gets passed on to anyone commenting in that thread. Not cool!

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