Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Quiet moment

 Back to the shore ...

As the sun goes down the light changes. Here, taken from the same spot, 30 seconds apart, as I sat on a log at Oyster Bay, the sea and sky are either blue or mauve, depending on the direction I pointed the camera.

Looking southeast, my back to the sun. 8:03:35 PM

Looking back northwest. The sun is just over the trees off-camera to the left. 8:04:07 PM. Sundown is just after 9:00 pm.

And looking straight ahead, a duck paddling along in tranquil water.

A Skywatch post.


Regresando a las playas ...

Cerca de la puesta del sol, la luz cambia. AquĆ­ tres fotos desde el mismo sitio, donde yo estaba sentada en un tronco al lado de Oyster Bay; las primeras dos fotos separadas solamente por unos 30 segundos. Con el sol a mis espaldas, el cielo y el mar son azules; mirando hacia el sol poniente, todo toma un tono violeta.

La tercera foto: una pata tranquila aprovechando el momento.

1 comment:

  1. I love how the sky and water changes colors especially in the evenings.


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Also, I have word verification on, because I found out that not only do I get spam without it, but it gets passed on to anyone commenting in that thread. Not cool!

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