Two mosses, two lichens:
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On top of a rock |
The mosses are: the Juniper haircap moss (Polytrichum juniperinum), the little spiky "trees" with red stems and their sporophytes, tall, orange spore cases; and the Roadside rock moss, (Racomitrium canescens), with white hairy tips.
The tall(ish) (1 cm.) lichens are Cladonia sp., aka cup lichens. I don't know what that little brown lichen on the right is; I can tell it's a lichen by the apothecia, the dark dots on the tips.
Con la cara en el suelo: dos musgos, dos líquenes.
Los musgos son el musgo birrete, el que parece un arbolito, y un musgo lanudo (Racomitrium canescens). Los líquenes son del género Cladonia; los grandes (aunque solo miden como 1 cm. de alto) son de los llamados "líquenes taza). No pude identificar el pequeño liquen a la derecha.
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