Friday, July 17, 2020

Bee magnet

Lavender flowers, seen from close up, are a messy bunch, opening randomly along the stalk, dying in no particular order.

Flowers, buds, dead petals, seed pods on the way.
But bees love them.

And crushed, making them even more of a mess, they smell like grandma's closet.


Las flores de lavanda, vistas de cerca, son desaliƱadas. Se abren como sea, sin esperar su turno; las flores acabadas retienen su pƩtalos muertos, Pero a las abejas les encantan.

Y aplastadas, huelen a la casa de mi abuelita.


  1. I loved pillow cases aired on lavender bushes then straight onto the bed!

    1. I always have little bags of dried lavender. I never heard of airing things on live bushes! I'll have to try that!

    2. Just make sure they Things are not damp or they'll stain!Sun-dried, then tossed over a bush for the afternoon, then the bed, then dream...
      Wood shavings, like cedar, make lovely scented sachets, too.


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