Sunday, June 14, 2020

Pink again

These are the last of the pink flowers from last week*

Young pink dogwood planted last fall: first flowers.

Asian bleeding heart, Lamprocapnos spectabilis

Flowers and leaves.

I don't know what these are. They are very small.

*That's just the pink flowers around my house. There are tons more down the block. And more at my doorstep this week.


Y estas son las últimas de las flores color de rosa alrededor de mi casa la semana pasada. Ya hay más; cuando deja de llover tendré que dar otra vuelta.

Primero, las nuevas flores de un árbol nuevecito de cornejo color de rosa.

Luego, un "corazón sangrante asiático", tambien conocido como "corazón de virgen", Lamprocapnos spectabilis. Este crece en la sombra al lado de la cochera.

Y por fin, unas flores que no conozco. Son muy pequeñas. Las sembró mi vecina.


  1. I very much enjoy your blog, though I rarely comment. I think your "magnolia' are actually dogwood flowers; a favorite of mine. Possibly even the new flowering/kousa hybrid pink ones that are supposed to replace the pink/red flowering dogwoods that are so ravaged by disease.

    1. You're right. Thank you. I'll correct the post. :)


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