Friday, September 20, 2019

While the sun shines

The fall rains are here. It rains most days, but Wednesday, there was a break and the sun came out. I drove down to Brown's Bay again. The water was active this time, and I walked on the docks, peering underwater at all the white anemones dancing down there. The light was good, but what with the rising and falling waves, the rocking docks, and my swaying as I tried to keep my balance on those unfenced planks, I could barely see more than flashes of white and sometimes red.

Once, things calmed down for a few seconds.

A colony of plumose anemones, white and cream, some red tubeworms, a pair of limpets crowned with algae, mussels, and dreadfully mangled kelp of some sort.

More red tubeworms here. Most of the floats are bright blue plastic, but years of algae have coated and discoloured them, adding to the abstract designs of the water and reflections. (The white and turqoise waves are the reflection of a boat.)

More reflections, under the fish packing plant. From the extreme end of the docks.

Back to land. I drove up to the RV site, but couldn't enter. But there was a bear on the gate:

Old Mossy. Rather grumpy, too, it seems.

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