More from my collection of "someday" photos; a sampler of muted greens and browns.
Designer colours, for some. Easy on the eye, but maybe too easy if you're trying to find an invisible grasshopper or a lurking spider.
Cross spider, Araneus diadematus, in her web over the water between the docks. |
Grasshopper, Oyster Bay. |
Lichen, Cladonia sp., Oyster Bay. Almost matches the grasshopper. |
This lichen is in a log at Strathcona Lodge, on Upper Campbell Lake. The little scaly (or leafy?) cone-like buds are intriguing. (Click for full size.) I wish I'd seen them at the time. The camera's eye is better than mine.
"Eye" in a log. Strathcona Lodge. I'm pretty sure there's a spider in there. |
Dippers on sandstone, Woodhus Creek. They kept running under the water in the calm spots, where the caddisfly larvae were. |
Sparrows, Tyee Spit. |
When the light is right, even the water is brown. Sandpipers, off Tyee Spit. |
Here and there. |
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