A perfect time to try out a new camera, right? I took a half dozen photos, then got to work looking for eelgrass. By shape; I couldn't see colours any more, other than the pink sheen on wet areas.
The ducks. At maximum zoom, in the dusk. The photo turned out lighter than what I was seeing. Yes, the water was pink. What looks like a dead body on the sand is a log. |
With the pink light, even mud with worm poop looks good. |
I chased down the heron, but he flew away and all I got was a blur of wings. And by the time I'd collected my small bag of seaweeds (mostly rockweed and a kelp holdfast), the first star was out. Time for coffee at Tim Horton's, and the road home.
My hermits are happy tonight, swarming over the seaweeds and peeling the skin off the holdfast.
Looks like your new camera is taking some incredible shots. I like the colous and reflections. - Margy