Rain or no rain, we must needs flip rocks if we're on a beach ...
No need to flip rocks for this grainy hand hermit; he was walking along the edge of a tidepool. Very shy; unlike most, he kept peeking out, seeing me still watching, and zipping back inside. |
Crab molt lying on the sand, torn apart by the waves. (Gulls would have made much more of a mess.) I was intrigued by the orange gills; they look almost like sections of a mandarin orange. |
Almost every rock we flipped sheltered several shore crabs. Can you see the three good-sized ones here? The snails are periwinkles. |
It was a good day for polychaete worms. This stone hid at least 7; 3 are visible here. On such a grey, wet day, their shimmery colours are muted, and they look black instead. |
Ahhhh! That felt good! I really miss my intertidal critters.
No crabs for me today- just crab spiders!
ReplyDeleteCool.. I thought orange segments too.