Thursday, June 17, 2010

Last look at the islands

... for now. We'll be back.

Ocean Grove Beach, looking northeast to Quadra Island, Cortes Island, the Sunshine Coast, etc.

We're packed and heading out early tomorrow.


  1. Glorious! My brother just phoned us from Campbell River. He has bought a house with a view. We're so happy for him! Meantime, we're from away!

  2. Anonymous1:00 pm

    So beautiful. How can you stand to leave? Of course, there's always the looking forward to going again next time, right?


I'm having to moderate all comments because Blogger seems to have a problem notifying me. Sorry about that. I will review them several times daily, though, until this issue is fixed.

Also, I have word verification on, because I found out that not only do I get spam without it, but it gets passed on to anyone commenting in that thread. Not cool!

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