Saturday, February 25, 2012

More colours of spring - Purple

Beach Grove is a delight at this time of year.

Crocuses pop up everywhere, providing spring vitamins for slugs and ants. 

Dead leaves, fresh crocuses

A miniature iris with purple and white tips.

Purple pansies

Deep, rich colours in full sun.

Royal purple

Humble periwinkles at the base of a wall. With bonus brown spider.

A grove snail basks in the sun on the purple wall.

Here in North Delta, we're about two weeks behind Beach Grove. But one of my hellebores is blooming already; spring's a-coming!


  1. I can't believe you have crocuses! Waagghhhh!!! We're flirting with mud season. Got a dusting of snow. Sugaring might be off to an early start, though.

  2. At least we finally have something to crow about. It's been a sad winter, while other parts of the continent got sunshine. Our traditional winter gloating had to be cancelled.

    Sugaring! I remember walking through the woods in the snow, in Ontario, seeing those long plastic tubes going from tree to tree.


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