The house is quiet, the lights are switched off. Only the small lamp on my bedside table remains. And becomes the go-to gathering place for tiny moths and flies and newly-hatched spiderlings. Too tiny for the camera, most of them; too small to be seen except as specks unless I'm a few inches away. A miniature fly, barely a couple of millimetres long, sits on the wall just below the lampshade. So perfect, with its tiny, glittery wings, those outstretched antennae; is it a fly or a wasp? Too small to be sure. I come closer and it's gone.
A moth spirals up towards the bulb, stops for a second on the inner edge of the shade, then disappears. Another rests for a moment on the lamp base; it's about 5 mm. long, a big one for this location. Almost black wings, held closed; I don't see them move when the moth leaps away.
A baby cellar spider, almost transparent, long legs just a hint of movement, walks down the wall. I come a bit closer, and she's gone. I search everywhere; no sign of her.
There's an air filter going full blast under the table. When I clean the filter, it's full of winged specks; I need a lens to see the wings. Moths and flies again. Spiders never seem to be caught.
Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em, And little fleas have lesser fleas, and so ad infinitum. (Augustus De Morgan)
We live in a busy world.
One moth, larger than most, sits still while I fetch the camera.
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Still only a few millimetres long. But very much alive and involved with her world. |
Las grandes pulgas tienen pequeñas pulgas en la espalda para morderlas, Y las pulgitas tienen pulgas menores, y así hasta el infinito. (Poema por el matemático Augustus de Morgan)
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