Thursday, June 11, 2020


There are so many flowers blooming around my house, (and I've not even walked down the block; there's a whole new batch out there for when it quits raining again) that I've broken the list down, like one of my guidebooks does, by colour.

These are yellow.


Buttercups. They're in the lawn, they're in my flower beds, they're in the disturbed mud on the hillside. They don't need any encouragement. With a tiny, tiny fly.

Parsley, flowering.

I had this growing in a flower pot in Delta, 8 years ago. It kept coming back every spring, so when I moved to Campbell River, I brought the pot with me. And it liked the corner where I dropped the pot so much that it has escaped, and now fills the whole area around it, even beating out the buttercups.

And not a volunteer: 

Tuberous Begonia, growing in semi-shade.


Hay tantas plantas en flor ahora alrededor de mi casa, que tuve que separarlas, como lo hace uno de mis libros guía, por los colores. Y eso que no he salido a la calle en frente de la casa: ahí hay otros tantos, y todos diferentes. Si deja de llover, ese es el próximo proyecto.

Estas son las amarillas.

Dos voluntarias: ranúnculos (creo que estos son Ranúnculus repens, que crece pegadito al suelo.) También se conocen como botón de oro. Pueden ser una plaga; invaden todo.

Y perejil; lo sembré en una maceta hace 8 o 9 años, y volvía a crecer cada primavera. Cuando me mudé a Campbell River, me traje la maceta y a la plantita le gustó tanto el lugar que se escapó de la maceta y ahora llena toda la esquina, aún logrando excluir los ranúnculos.

Y una que no es voluntaria; una begonia tuberosa, creciendo en media sombra.


  1. Buttercups are so very cheerful. Until about a week ago I could see one flowering beside the pavement. It's over now. But when you see a whole field of them it's incredible.

    1. When I had a farm, up north, my neighbour across the road had a field that was supposed to be for her cows, but it got invaded by buttercups. The whole field glowed. I loved it; she hated it. So did the cows. (My goat and horse corral had burdock, which even the goats wouldn't eat. As bad as buttercups and not near as pretty.)


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