Tuesday, November 05, 2019

The Buttle Lake road

I had a free afternoon, so I drove out to Buttle Lake, just exploring. It's a long lake, 23 kilometres long, 1.5 across; more like a slow, wide river than a lake. A narrow road winds down the west side; it only connects to the highway on one end. I usually sail right past the entrance, on my way to Gold River. This time, I drove on in.

Buttle Lake runs down the centre of the Island, halfway between Campbell River and Gold River (the towns, not the rivers).

I had to keep stopping to look at the view and to poke around rock faces, so I only made it two thirds of the way down the west side of the lake before it was time to turn back. Even so, I saw many places that I must return to, with more time available; trail heads, shore access, mossy rocks, waterfalls. And at the end of the road, on this west bank, there's a mine site to visit and then Myra Falls. I'll be back.

At my last stop, Auger Point, I followed a short trail down to the shore, then poked through the bush, looking at mushrooms. (Photos, next post.)

BC's bush is challenging, at best. Here's a photo from Auger Point, taken from the trail, as shot, uncropped, with only a bit of sharpening added.

18 mushrooms, yellow, white, beige. That I can see from here. There will be more under and behind everything.

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