Monday, October 21, 2019

Mostly tentacled tinies

Still rescuing forgotten photos: these are from the aquarium. The tinies.

A barnacle, fishing.

I've long since forgotten what seaweed this came from. Just a snippet, zoomed as close as I could get.

Hydroids growing on a blade of old eelgrass. With one of the orange-clawed hermits, and a snail. Good eating on old eelgrass! The hermits usually clean all the hydroids and other growing things off overnight.

Orange-striped green anemone. In an empty barnacle shell.

Another orange-striper.

Down in the sand at the bottom, a tiny worm stretches up to the surface and unrolls it single tentacle.

When a snail shell is too old and broken to be useful to a hermit crab, the worms move in. I think these are the two-tentacled worms, and there are at least 6 living inside the shell.

Most of these were taken with the old Nikon and the 40 mm. lens, all but one (the snail) using flash with a now-defunct slave flash to even out the light. The slave no longer works, and the tank is now too scratched to permit a close-up. So all my recent photos have been deleted.

I need to buy a new tank and transfer everything there. Not an easy job, with a large colony of pink-tipped anemones attached to the glass of the present tank. A project for the grey and rainy months ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Just a quick note to say how much I appreciate you giving us peeks into aquatic life. All exquisite little treasures!


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