Saturday, October 26, 2019

Leaves and shrooms

It was raining. And a few minutes past sundown. But the leaves fallen on the edge of the museum woods were bright yellow and orangey-brown; I stopped to collect a handful.

And the duff was full of mushrooms. Wet and shiny, some slug-eaten, white and beige and a marvellous purple. And the pocket camera was in the car.

Like a pool of red dye. Cortinarius sp.?

Big leaf maple, with small mushrooms

These very purply mushrooms have white meat. Slugs feast on them.

Big leaf maple and red alder leaves.

With Oregon grape leaves.

And then there wasn't enough light for the camera to focus. I decided to come back the next day in daylight, with the Nikon. And then it rained and blew and rained some more. Maybe tomorrow; I hope the slugs haven't eaten them all by now.


  1. Nice. I actually feel more relaxed looking at your photos.


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