It's been a typical Vancouver Island summer; a few hot days, and the rest are cloudy or rainy. Yesterday was about normal: rain in the morning, a ray or two of sunlight around noon, then the warm light vanished, and everything turned a soft grey. Grey skies, grey water, greyish green trees.
Before the rain started up again, I walked around Oyster Bay. When everything is grey, the different colours of grey stand out. The grey rocks had more colour than the grey seas.
Rocks along the breakwater, looking south. There's a hint of blue sky thataway. |
The breakwater, looking north. Logs and rocks and the edge of the inner bay. |
A couple of multicoloured rocks. |
And on one of those rocks, a sea slater, Ligia pallasii. A creature of the night, not often seen in daylight. |
I tracked the sea slater for a while, trying to get a head shot. He wasn't interested. I hadn't even seen the little fly until I looked at the photo. These flies were all over the shore,looking mostly like hopping sand grains. |
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