Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Red, white, green, and kelp coloured

A few seaweeds, large and small, wet and dry.

Coming in with the tide; a floating salad of torn sea lettuce, nori, Turkish washcloth, snippets of rockweed, and this glorious red branched seaweed.

In the summer, I see a lot of sun-bleached seaweeds well up on the shore. Most are white; newer ones are pale pink or cream. I don't remember seeing one where the bottom half was pure white, while the top still retains its full red colouring.

Laid out to dry in the sun. Fresh bull kelp.

Kelp is edible, and the floats and long stipes make good pickles, "they" say. Kelp is also very tough; I've tried cutting out a segment, using sharp, broken clamshells; almost impossible. Even the thin end of the stipes are too srong to break until they're half rotted. I must bring a knife to the beach to harvest a piece of the next fresh kelp I find. I'd like to try out that kelp pickle recipe.

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