Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Giving up on the falls

Elk Falls is a roaring, foaming waterfall, at the bottom of the Campbell River canyon. Not a high fall, as falls go; the free-falling, plunge section of the falls is only 89 feet (27 metres), but still, it's an impressive sight and sound from a platform on the opposite side of the river.

Top end of the falls. The gorge is too narrow, the platform too close to get a photo of the whole falls.

The view from this lower platform, going backwards, up-river:

Bare rock, once washed by the much wider river; now a major part of the flow has been re-directed to the turbines, to provide electrical power to a large part of Vancouver Island.

And moving the gaze up-river again:

Still waters, barely seeming to move.

From the suspension bridge above, the bottom of the falls is visible, although through high (over my head,) daunting chain-link fencing. I took photos of the fence, instead:

Shy jumping spider and top of fence.

First huckleberry of the year. I ate it afterwards; it was sweet, but not too sweet.

On the way back up, near the top of the canyon, the fence is less forbidding. With snooty robin, who disapproved of my presence on his trail.

And at the top, beside the parking lot, the fence is temporary. And protects a young deer from traffic.


  1. I think I'd go for pictures of the fence, too!
    Lovely shots, though.

  2. I would like to go out and pick some huckleberries to make jam this year. - Margy


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