Friday, May 17, 2019

Half a panorama

There's a shortcut down the hill that I sometimes take on my way home. A little awkward at both ends, top and bottom, and a narrow road where you don't want to meet a truck, but it has one attraction: it curves down the edge of the hill above the downtown area, and from a couple of spots, the whole of the channel from the docks to the Seymour Narrows spreads out before me.

I stopped there this afternoon to take a photo.

Two overlapping photos, and still only half the panorama. The populated area of Quadra Island is directly across from here and the mainland mountains raise their peaks beyond. The ferry is just coming into its berth.

No matter how tired I am after a walk or an afternoon shopping for something I never seem to find, this view always sends me home smiling.


  1. I once did a four photo panorama in Death Valley. It was in the day before digital photos but the matched up prints looked great after framing. - Margy

    1. I tried that once with the old cameras; a four-shot over the Merritt Valley from the hills, but the angle changed and I couldn't get them to line up exactly.


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