Sunday, November 04, 2018

The greys of winter

November. Here on Vancouver Island, that means rain, mist, fogs, and the colours leached out of the landscape. Grey days.

The view from Saratoga Beach. Grey, blue-grey, blue. The line of green along the shore is torn seaweed, tossed up at the high tide line.

Lonely young gull, waiting for the tide to retreat. Her colours are muted, too; grey-browns, palest of pinks, a hint of blue on beak and knees. Notice her painted toenails, though.

A Skywatch post


  1. I like the top photo. It seems so large.

  2. At now least we get a few sunny breaks. Soon it will be mostly cloudy. The island has many more sandy beaches than we do. For us, Savary Island is the exception. - Margy

  3. Beautiful sea shore capture . Please tell something about my capture on my blog.


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