If I hadn't been looking at tidepool sculpins. If I hadn't gotten down on my elbows and knees to see the big plumose anemone under the rock in the sculpins' pool. If the sun hadn't angled in at just that moment; I would have passed these by without noticing.
Feather duster worms, on the underside of a huge rock, at the top of the tide pool. |
These are big worms, well over an inch wide at the crown. There are hints of others farther back, where the sun hasn't reached; they look almost purplish-black. |
Two tubes at the far end, with a few more deeper down, in the shade. |
I touched one tube; the worm in it disappeared instantly and didn't reappear while I waited.
About half of the visible worms were striped; the rest were dark red.
I always love your closeups. I learn so much. - Margy