Gulls are gulls, wherever they are. On the beaches at Mazatlan, or on the beaches here at home, they do gull things; hanging around looking for handouts, cleaning up leftovers on the sand, arguing and occasionally screeching at some imagined injustice, catching a breeze far overhead and riding it.
But the Mazatlecos are dressed differently; they're not the species mix I'm used to.
Here's a sampler, some I can identify, more that I can't.
Youngsters? But what species? I think that's a fish fin that the one on the right is carrying. |
Another easy one. Adult Heerman's gull. Red beak, sooty body, white head, black legs. |
A Heerman's, two unidentified youngsters, and a yellow-billed, pink-legged big gull. Glaucous? Herring? Both have been sighted in Mazatlan. |
And there was the brown one walking with pelicans in yesterday's post.
Black legs, greyish bill. |
At least the pelicans are easy to identify.
"screeching at some imagined injustice"...couldn't get more accurate than that.