Friday, February 21, 2014

A dusting of new snow

The North Shore mountains, seen from the southern end of the lower mainland, on a warm February afternoon:

Front to back: Boundary Bay, Surrey, Vancouver, North Vancouver, North Shore mountains, sky.

Zooming 'way in, to a couple of ski slopes. My landmarks when I'm sort of lost; that way's north.

More new snow, very welcome.
A Skywatch post


  1. Beautiful pictures. They bring back memories of our visits.

  2. Mountains and snow just go together like chocolate and peanut butter,in my opinion. Lovely photographs posted this week. See you next time.
    JM Illinois

  3. Looks like here. Let the snow stay on the hills and in the mountains. It sure has been raining. MB

  4. Beautiful photos!

  5. Lovely photos of the horizon, a little dusting of snow can be so pretty.

  6. Beautiful shots, and it's nice have such a landmark to keep you oriented!


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