Friday, July 16, 2010

The unbearable lightness of mountains

Sometimes Mount Baker seems to want to up anchor and fly away.

If it weren't for the heavy concrete border marker, maybe the beach would lift off, too.

A Skywatch post.


  1. Beautiful pictures..really it seems like the mountain is floating on magical cloud!!

  2. What a shot! This week I caught a rainbow! An omen, methinks. Thank you for visiting my sky !

  3. When I used to go to the Abbotsford Air Show, they would announce the arrival of the Canadian Snowbirds by saying "Look towards Mt. Baker." At the time I always assumed it was a Canadian peak until I did a little more research. Maybe Mt. Baker has been eying a spot on our side of the border to make it so. - Margy

  4. Oh, look at that!

    Maybe the marker is there just to hold the beach down.

  5. Lovely photo, and so well said! I love the look of Mt Baker "floating" above the horizon.

  6. Anonymous6:32 am

    It really does seem that Mt. Baker is floating ... I love your title!

  7. Thanks for the comments, y'all!

  8. Great photo! Love the way you described it as well!


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