Saturday, January 30, 2010

Colourful tapestries




Red and yellow:

And white:

In the courtyard at the Surrey Art Gallery.

The art was beautiful, too: our favourites were a "Quilt of Belonging", 36 metres of fabric creations celebrating Canada's various peoples, and Ruth Scheuing's "Silkroads". I wrote about her work when we visited her studio in the 2008 Culture Crawl. (Sweeping nudes ...) She has set up her computer-operated loom in the Gallery, and will be working there until April, creating large Jaquard woven tapestries incorporating,
"the patterns and geography of this important historic trade route (The Silk Road) with key historical textile designs that were instrumental in bridging the cultures and economies of East and West. "
This time, we could only look through the door; her Gallery hours are Thursday mornings and Saturday afternoons, 1 to 5, though April 3rd. Well worth a visit. We'll be back.


  1. Your colours are so vibrant, I feel I should be able to touch and smell those flowers. The feather is a nice touch!

  2. Penelope noted the feather, and I also thought it was a lovely, delicate touch, added to such a beautifully colourful post.

  3. Anonymous6:45 pm

    You weave a magical colorful tapestry with your beautiful pictures.

  4. Thanks, all. The feather was not my idea; it was contributed by a passing chickadee.


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