It was supposed to rain today ...
The wind was up this morning, but the sky was still blue. I took a few moments to survey my shady garden.

Everything blooms a little late, here under the evergreens; the rhododendrons have been rioting up and down the street, but here they have stayed green and sleepy. They've awakened, finally, red and pink.
The first of the lilies of the valley opened today. Bleeding hearts and columbine, blue-eyed grass, London pride and fringe-cup, all are showing bits of colour.

And, of course, the pansies and Johnny-jump-ups, in several varieties, are leading the way.

In the afternoon, it still hadn't rained; we went for a quick turn around Nicholson Park. The dogwoods are blooming there, and the air is heavy with the perfume of flowering laurel hedges. I found a bumper crop of lichens, grey, green, orange and yellow. And a caterpillar, also in yellow and orange. The spines along his sides look like ray flowers, themselves; click on the photo to see them full size.

Along the fence, a tiny striped spider was sunning himself.

The wind was chilly; we came home. And, changing the water on a vase of wild yellow mustard, I shook off a crab spider, painted in flower colours. I replaced him on a stem, and he busily set about making a new web.

And it still hasn't rained.
Hi! just wanted to say I enjoyed looking through your past three posts. It's fun to see the little things in your neck of the woods!