Saturday, April 14, 2007

Good Planets is Up! And it's great!

Oh, what a beautiful way to start the weekend! It's still Friday night here on the west coast, and look what shows up on my blogroll! Vicki, at A Mark on My Wall, put together a gorgeous "Good Planets". Yay!

(Well, if you want to be pedantic about it, it isn't Friday; it's past 1AM already. But I haven't gone to bed yet, so that makes it still Friday for me. So there!)

And, to add to the surfeit of beautiful things, here's a view across White Rock beach last week. Laurie took the photo facing directly into the sun, a breaking of the "rules" if there ever was one. It worked for him, but not for me on my digital. Whether that's because he's much more experienced than I, because film is more flexible, or because my camera isn't all that wonderful, I don't know.

Whichever it was, he caught the light glinting on the wet seaweed at his feet, the shallow beach puddles and on the deeper water beyond.

I spent a year in White Rock as a child; I whiled away many a summer afternoon on this beach, splashing through the puddles (warm as a bathtub) or wading half-way out to Blaine, across the border, before the water was up to my chin, then swimming back in. Hours of silence, except for the calling of the gulls; the beach is wide, and my brothers were mere distant specks against the sand. I never go back without rembering the feel of the sand ridges under my toes.

white rock sand


  1. Beautiful photos of that beach. I love the light there. Sometimes I just really want to shoot directly into the sun. I have to make myself stop.

  2. -It looks very quiet and peaceful there.-Very nice photos.

  3. Robin;

    Laurie says the trick is to shield the lens itself from the sun, even as you face into it. A hand over the top will do.

    Larry; Hi!

    I'm glad you commented; it introduced me to your blog, which I hadn't seen before. The last post, ... More to the Ear ... is very informative. I will be listening more closely from now on.


I'm having to moderate all comments because Blogger seems to have a problem notifying me. Sorry about that. I will review them several times daily, though, until this issue is fixed.

Also, I have word verification on, because I found out that not only do I get spam without it, but it gets passed on to anyone commenting in that thread. Not cool!

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