Saturday, October 20, 2007

Laurie ties it together

... Strathcona fall colours and Strathcona art, that is.

Here is the south end of that studio window on Hawks Street:

Bird cage, twigs in an old coffee pot, rocks, trellis, netting, the reflection of MacLean Park, and Laurie's flash. Red, white and blue paint.

Around the corner, in the same building, the Paneficio.

And a tree in front, not allowing itself to be outdone:

Let's have another look at that studio window:

More of Valerie Arntzen's work. The crosses on the back wall are fashioned of those plain tin loaf pans that local Chinese bakeries use. (Click on photo for a better view.)

Detail of the black box at the bottom of the display:

More crosses, this time of bullets. Combined in a "graveyard" surrounded by flowers, and presided over by an animal skull and snail shells.

I am looking forward to visiting this studio during the Crawl; this work begs for an explanation. (Once, on the doorstep, I met one of the artists working here. She had much to say, and much worth listening to, about the meaning of her compositions, a hopeful, if somewhat idealistic, re-statement of "Live and let live".)

One more intriguing piece, this time in the garden at a front entrance:

A study in form and texture; a hollow branch section with 4 dead and dry sticks pushed through the centre. From each new viewing angle, it takes on a different personality. The house itself is a modernistic upgrading of an older house, now all cement, glass, and crisp lines. This little piece humanizes it.

The owners of the house came home while we were looking it over and told me it was given them by a friend.


  1. That tree is just beautiful. thanks for posting so many wonderful pics! I really like the cross made from the pans. Nice area to stroll through!

  2. Jean;

    Thanks for commenting. Sometimes I wonder; the photos I post are at times a bit -- strange. But I upload them because I enjoyed them, and I hope someone else will, too.

    It is a wonderful area. I just wish I could do it justice.


I'm having to moderate all comments because Blogger seems to have a problem notifying me. Sorry about that. I will review them several times daily, though, until this issue is fixed.

Also, I have word verification on, because I found out that not only do I get spam without it, but it gets passed on to anyone commenting in that thread. Not cool!

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