A dozen or more years ago, I planted some parsley in a clay pot and put it in a corner of my garden. A garnish for my meals, one I usually forget. The parsley, forgotten, grew and thrived. It re-seeded itself, year after year. When I moved here to Campbell River, going on 9 years ago, I brought the pot with me. It likes it here. The pot broke, as they do after repeated cycles of freezing and thawing, and the parsley escaped. Last year, it grew a rambunctious, waist-high forest behind my compost bin.
I haven't been paying it much attention. Sometimes I tell myself that I should be freezing some for winter seasoning, but I never really get around to it. Last year, I chased bees on the umbels one day. That's about it. Not until a couple of days ago did I actually look at those flowers.
They're tiny; that might count for an excuse.
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Unopened parsley buds. |
The buds are just buds. But then they start to open, and look at them!
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Beginning to sprout stamens and petals. |
Each little bud is a twosome; they look like pairs of tiny, traditional African drums, each one topped by a glossy lemon custard cap, and extending a snail siphon. (If that sounds like a mixed metaphor, blame the buds.)
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And some open flowers: 5 white petals, 5 long stamens. And spider webs. |
I cut one flower umbel and looked at it under the microscope:
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One individual flower. |
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The centre of the flower keeps that twinned theme. |
I see that I'll have to keep a close eye on these as they go about making seeds. Will they be twins?
- Botones de perejil, sin abrir. Parecen botones "normales".
- Pero se empiezan a abrir, ¡míralas! Cada botoncito es una pareja; parecen dos tamborcitos tradicionales Africanos. Con una tapa de amarillo brillante; parece flan de mango. Y levanta un sifón de caracol marino. (Si parece que estoy mezclando metáforos, la culpa la llevan esas flores.)
- Unas flores abiertas. Tienen 5 pétalos, y 5 estambres.
- Corté una umbela y la miré bajo el microscopio. Esta es una sola florecita.
- Se ve que mantiene esa forma como de gemelos todavía en el centro de la flor.
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