The weather is ... well, typical Vancouver Island spring weather; sunshine, snow, rain, freezing wind, fog, sun warm on your back; all in quick succession, changing from moment to moment.
But the spring flowers just keep on trucking. Daffodils bloom under my kitchen window, crocuses and hyacinths and Johnny-jump-ups beside the carport, forsythia over the lawn and up and down the street. And I saw a bee foraging among the plum blossoms.
Crocuses and hyacinths. And the first leaves of the next wave: bluebells. |
Forsythia against a briefly blue sky. |
Zeroing in on a pair of crocuses. Love that purple! |
At the edge of the woods, red-flowering currant is coming right along. |
The first salmonberry flowers should be opening in a week or so. Waiting is hard.
Pero las flores de la temporada siguen como si nada. Bajo la ventana de mi cocina, florecen los narcisos; al lado de la cochera, los jacintos, las pensamientos, los crocus. Arriba, la forsitia se extiende hacia el cielo. Y vi una abeja buscando polen en las flores del ciruelo.
- Jacintos y crocus, y las primeras hojas de las campanillas.
- Forsitia.
- Unos crocus blancos con violeta oscuro. Me encanta este color.
- Al borde del bosque, las primeras hojas de Ribes sanguineum toman el sol.
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