A bee on blackberries. Green blackberries.
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A crop for the birds. |
Taken leaning over the fence on the hillside behind the power station. The entire hillside is covered with loaded blackberry canes, most of them unreachable by humans. Juicy treats for the birds and the bears coming up!
Abeja y zarazamoras, todavía verdes.
Esta foto la saqué desde la cerca en la ladera del cerro atras de la planta generadora John Hart. El cerro está completamente cubierta de las cañas de esta planta; por la mayor parte, fuera del alcance de la gente. Una vez maduras, negras y jugosas, serán golosinas para los pájaros y los osos.
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Also, I have word verification on, because I found out that not only do I get spam without it, but it gets passed on to anyone commenting in that thread. Not cool!