Monday, June 28, 2021

176 legs

Just hanging out.

A pair of cellar spiders at my door. The one on the right is carrying her eggs.

Pholcus phalangioides.

The mother carries her sac with from 20 to 30 eggs in her jaws. As the spiderlings inside develop, the legs inside each egg become visible.


Dos arañas, Pholcus phalangioides, colgadas arriba de mi puerta de entrada. Una cuida su cápsula de huevos. La hembra pone de 20 a 30 huevos, y los guarda hasta que eclosionan. Cuando crecen un poco, aun dentro del saco, se pueden observar las patas largas en cada huevo.


  1. So elegant. I'm sort of waiting for them to dance like acrobats. Will the spiderlings stay indoors or will they disperse into the outdoors once they've emerged?

    1. They're outside now; the web is just outside my door, in the carport.

  2. Anonymous7:22 am

    We often have spiders like this in our house. Your wonderful photos make me want to get up close and take a better look. I would love to see that sac.


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