Sunday, May 02, 2021

Contrasting textures

The sun came out. The tide went out, and so did I. Now I have a hundred photos to process.

Here's a leather star and some companions.

Demasterias imbricata, underwater

Wider view. Also present: green sea urchin, pink crustose coralline, whelks, limpets. pink branching hydrocoral, green sea lettuce.

More to come; much more.


Salió el sol. También la marea, y yo, siguiendo el agua mientras se alejaba. Ahora tengo cien fotos para procesar. 

Por ahora, aquí está una estrella de mar, Demasterias imbricata, a la que llamamos estrella de cuero. Con sus compañeros, un erizo de mar verde, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, alga coralina color de rosa, dos bocinas, unas lapas, un fragmento de hydrocoral falso ramificado, y "lechuga marina", Ulva sp.

Habrñ más, mucho más.


  1. Wow - as almost always on here.
    You may have seen on my blog that I'm moving to live permanently by the sea - perhaps I should photograph the rock pools too.

    1. Your beach is sand. Watch the tide tables and follow the water out to the edge at its lowest; it's amazing what shows up out there.


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Also, I have word verification on, because I found out that not only do I get spam without it, but it gets passed on to anyone commenting in that thread. Not cool!

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